'Of Alfred Jarry, the author of Ubu-Roi, another victim of alcohol, she has many anecdotes. He used to dress in cycling costume, and an immense overcoat, whose pockets had always great holes in them. He carried a small library in this '
'I go to the first performance of Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi, at the Theatre de L'CEuvre, with the Rhymer who had been so attractive to the girl in the bicycling costume. The audience shake their fists at one another, and the Rhymer whispers'
Autobiographies: Reveries over childhood and youth and The trembling of the veil Yeats
'Ubu Roi " is the gesticulation of a young savage of the woods, and is his manner of expressing his disapproval of ... Ubu may be indeed " un sac a vices, une outre a vins, une poche a bile, un empereur romain de la decadence, ...'
p. 645
p. 646
p. 646
The Saturday review of politics, literature, science and art: Volume 82, 1896
this article by Symons is later incorporated in: STUDIES IN SEVEN ARTS BY ARTHUR SYMONS (LONDON: ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND COMPANY, LTD. 1906)